

《将死之人》是由罗兰·艾默里奇,马可·克罗伊茨派因特纳执导,罗伯特·罗达特,Jill Robi编剧,安东尼·霍普金斯,伊万·瑞恩,萨拉·等明星主演的动作,电视剧。《将死之人》别名:那些将死之人,将死之人 Those About To Die,于2024-07-18在闪电视频首播,制片国家/地区为美国,德国,意大利,单集时长60分钟,总集数10集,语言对白英语,最新状态更新第10集。该电视剧评分4.1分,评分人数4170人。








I have to admit that, at the start, I had high expectation of the show. The story goes fine in the first four episodes, then the whole plot turned worse and worse rapidly.

In general, the plot fits some Roman culture but not in most of the scenes. Chariot racing is kind of okish. The scene of Circus Maximus is the best part, which looks magnificent and grandeur. But still there are flaws. The chariotees actually bind the reins around their body instead just holding in their hands. The big letdown is on the gladiator, from which the title comes the famous salution "Ave Caeasar, morituri te salutant"(Hail, Emperor, those who are about to die salute you). But in order to sensationalize the brutality and cruelty, the plot writers just ignored the real culture of the gladiator game. First, gladiators are not some disposable slaves who are doomed to die for the blood-thirsty entertainers. They are not cheap but act as the performers for the audiences. If one died in the combat, it's a big loss for the gladiatorial school. The master of the school just won't let them die as he does in the show. There are certain deaths recorded in the hundred year history of galdiator game, but not as many as the screen writers think. Such stereotype was formed with the rise of Christianity since during the persecution, Christians were thrown into the arena to die as condemned criminal, and I shall say only criminals were left in the area to their own fate. The Romans are quite cruel to the criminals for sure. Either they let them rotten on the cross or die in the arena for fun. At that time, criminals preserve no human rights.

The costume is not accurate as well but for me it's a minor issue. Like the segmentata armor should be in steel not in leather. The patricians seldom wear their togas but only in the senate house, etc etc. But they are the minor issue. The biggest issue for this show is that the plot, starting from the mid, is soaked with Deus ex machina. The most bizarr one is that Tenex stabbed Ursus out of nowhere and saved Cala. It's simply absurd. Another one is that Scorpus killed Elia for no reason. Where's the hatred? Is Elia about win the game? There's simply no evidence. Just because there's not enough laying beforehand makes the whole story bland. One won't even shed the tears with the woeful melody on the background when Tenex shed his for Scorpus. Surprise is not always stimulating.

Tenax in the last episode stated this is his first step in his journey. I wish it could be his last.


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